Which organizations are allowed to be nominated?
No national or international nonprofits, programs, or organizations will be considered, unless they have a Manitowoc County based office and can guarantee that all of our donation will be used within the Manitowoc County community.
Recipients are to be 501 C (3) organizations; however, special needs that do not meet this criterion may also be considered by the group as long as the tax status is disclosed before voting. Our purpose is to help those in need in our community; this does not include political campaigns or businesses and such. Only members can nominate.
What is a 501 C (3)
A 501 c (3) is defined as “exemptions that apply to corporations, and any community chest, fund or foundation, organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, educational purposes, to foster national or international amateur sports competition, promote the arts, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals.”
However, for the purposes of 100 Women Who Care all groups up for consideration must be local to Manitowoc County.
Is my contribution tax deductible?
Yes, your contribution is tax deductible if made payable to a 501 c (3) organization. Checks are written DIRECTLY to the local organization NOT to 100 Women Who Care. Your check is your receipt. Please contact your tax advisor or visit the IRS Website for further information.
What can I expect at a meeting and how long do the meetings last?
Each meeting will last approximately 1 hour.
Expect to be welcomed at the registration table and sign-in. There you will receive your nametag and each TEAM will receive one ballot.
Generally schedule of meeting:
5:30 p.m. – check in and social
6:30 p.m. Formal meeting begins
Welcome remarks.
General explanation of nonprofit selection and voting procedure
Selection of the 3 nonprofits to present
5 Minute presentations by each followed by a 5 min Q&A
Members vote and submit their ballot. Votes are tabulated.
Announcement of the award.
Checks are written out to the awarded nonprofit and turned in.
7:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned and members are invited to stay for social and light dinner (food must be reserved ahead of time)
Can I bring a friend to the meeting?
Please do bring friends! Guests are always welcome. However, only registered members may vote or nominate Nonprofits(NPs)
Can I just send my donation directly to the charity?
Yes! The goal of the 100 Women Who Care organization is to make a donation on behalf of the entire group. Therefore, if mailing check to the Nonprofit, write MC100+WWC in the memo. If paying electronically, be sure to write MC100+WWC after your name in parentheses . We want to be able to support this endeavor and give $10,000+ dollars each time to make a large impact in our community, with each member’s donation being part of the larger gift.
How is the organization that receives the donation chosen?
Any current member in good standing or each team in good standing and present at the quarterly meeting can nominate a worthy cause. Once the meeting begins, three causes will be selected at random from “the hat”. Each sponsoring member will be asked to give a short, 5-minute presentation as to why this cause should receive the donation. This is followed by 5 minutes for Q&A. All members then vote in a secret ballot. The top vote recipient receives all the funds raised at that meeting.
We encourage members to participate by submitting the name of a cause special to them. Your willingness to present and share your knowledge of the cause is the most important element of our meetings. Once an individual or cause is chosen, it will not be considered again for 2 full years.
What if I cannot attend a meeting?
If a member cannot attend a meeting, she can do one of two things:
1. The member can send a blank, signed check for $100 (or if a team member than that team members portion) with a trusted friend (or another team member) to the meeting. The friend will write in the name of the nonprofit that is chosen on the check and give it to the Giving Circle on her behalf. The friend may NOT vote on behalf of the absent member.
2. The member can write a check made payable to the awarded nonprofit (NP)and mail directly to the nonprofit. Information will be provided post Giving Circle via text message and on this website.
Our mailing address is no longer an option. Checks will be given to the awarded NP the night of the meeting. Checks are to be mailed directly to the NP if member is unable to attend the quarterly Giving Circle.
Can members and causes actively solicit members to nominate and or vote for their cause as they are entering/ registering our quarterly events?
No. Nor may they hand out completed Nomination forms and asking members to support a Cause as they are arriving to the event. If a member wishes to promote a Cause to her network, it can be done well in advance of our meetings, and not on the premises.
Why do charitable organizations/nonprofits have to agree to not use the names of members for future solicitations NOR may they share member information with the public?
100+ women will not share our contact list with nonprofit organizations. However, if after a meeting a member wishes to remain anonymous, it is their responsibility to contact the NP and request that their name be removed from future mailings. If a member wants to give the nonprofit organization their contact information in an alternative way for future volunteer opportunities or future solicitations that is great! WE do not want to impede this in any way!
What if I am already on the selected charitable organization/nonprofits contact list prior to becoming a member of 100+, does the nonprofit have to remove me from their contact list?
Absolutely not! We just want to assure our members that their contact information gained through 100+ will not be used for anything other than our organization’s purpose. .